Fireworks: Fun for Some, Dangerous for All 

Fireworks are fun and exciting; they light up the sky and make celebrations feel special. But, hidden behind all the bright colours and loud noises, fireworks can be dangerous for people and animals. They cause disturbances, fires, injuries, and they scare pets and wildlife. On top of that, illegal fireworks are becoming more common every year. It’s time we think about the safety of people, animals and property. That brings us to the central question: is it worth the chaos and risks? Do fireworks merely make celebrations look colorful, or are they posing a real threat? 

Author: Paula Sadauskaitė

Fireworks are unpredictable. They can take a turn towards the worst-case scenarios really fast, causing accidents worldwide each year. The biggest dangers come from illegal or poorly handled fireworks, as they can easily start fires—causing severe damage to homes, cars, and even forests. There were 31,302 reported fires caused by fireworks, including structure, vehicle, and outside fires, in 2022, according to the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association, Research division) . Not only are fireworks responsible for fires, but also for taking the lives of people and animals. Every year thousands of people are injured by fireworks. The most common injury from fireworks is burns and damage to skin and tissue. Using fireworks without professional care is a grave risk. It can cause hearing loss, eye damage, and other injuries to the arms and legs. We need to find a solution for these issues, to put a stop to the incidents before more people are injured, or more fires occur.  

What many people do not think about during firework shows is how much they can affect animals. Pets, such as dogs and cats, are terrified of the loud sounds, which can cause them to panic, run away, sometimes injuring themselves trying to escape or hide. Animals don’t understand that fireworks are just a display that people put on for fun. 

In fact, many pets end up lost each year because they flee from the noise of fireworks. Animals in the wild suffer as well. Birds, squirrels, and other wildlife often run away in fear, abandoning their homes. Some animals also suffer long-term stress from the loud noises, which can hurt their health. We should think about everybody, even the smallest animals, and think about the consequences of our grand celebrations, before it’s too late. 

The illegal use of fireworks by civilians without the proper training and license is very dangerous. While it can be fun to have a nice, private display of fireworks near your home with the people you love, it is not always safe. That is why different countries and states have put a ban on fireworks, and with these new rules, the use of illegal fireworks is growing in many areas. In fact, illegal fireworks are often sold without safety instructions or warnings, leading to a higher risk of injuries. Authorities are already working to crack down on illegal fireworks, but it’s a growing problem. Without stricter enforcement and better public awareness, the dangers of illegal fireworks will continue to rise and put people and animals in danger. 

Cover Image by: Pexels from Pixabay

Edited By: Hedvig Paulander

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